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A member registered Dec 14, 2017

Recent community posts

dude ive been holding to my rar archive from 5.4 for a time now, im happy to see this game again

man, you broke me with that ending

i really love how you manage the story, and the music, man, i really loved the music, and this chapter made me cry

man, you have made me cry 3 times with the story of some characters, i really love your work

i loved this, the character was funny as a companion

hey, i haven´t dowloaded yhe most recent version but i´m sure i will love it, i just wanted to say this is one of my favorites but because of problems i can´t donate to you so i just wanted to thank you for this game because i am enjoying the story so far

i had a lot of fun with the game

i liked this one a lot, and i liked the references to my bully is my lover

im ´laying the game and i am in a part with the sister, i just want to say that grisaia no kaijitsu isn´t a family gam

someone could tell me how to get the lucia´s events

i just love this, is the first game that makes me comen